It was an interesting week and learning from doing the CSV activity and trying to wrap my head around the functionality of it. Pyhton’s identation keeps bugging me but I am managing much better than before. Working on editing an already created file with TODO requirement took some time but i was able to identify the issues needed to be fixed. I started off with the flow of the program and then went deeper into the functionality. First week was mostly focused on the layout and the flow of the program:
menu_dict = {
"1" : "Browse rows of data",
"2" : "Print specific row",
"3" : "Select columns to print",
"4" : "Change data file",
"0" : "Exit"
Also the genreal while loop to create the program interface:
# while loop for the interface to continue unless prompted
while True:
choice_str = interface.get_menu_choice(menu_dict)
Understood the need for an exit condition to create breaks in the while loop or the program gets stuck forever!
Refactoring also took time but I was able to use find and replace to help with common renames and fixes. This sped up the process by a lot. Getting the wor dictionary was the most crucial part and made the program work like a charm. I learnt a lot especially with the dictionart application and the way the interface worked.
Embedding to the first week trinket:
Embedding to the final trinket: