Pranitha's second final project update post

by Pranithavallabhaneni

30 Nov 2022


  • Find datasets that are aligned with the scope of the project.
  • Think of how the data needs to be represented to the user.
  • Create a sketch of the program flow.
  • Start coding to show the avaialble options and take in user input.
  • Read the csv data as per user selection
  • Find and explore necessary libraries that help to represent data to the user.
  • Pick one library functionality and implement it on one dataset.
  • Expand the scope of visual data representation of csv data with various library functions
  • Implement all the various visual data representations for other data sets based on user selection
  • Test the program flow.

Previous Update

  • Finalized on the datasets.
  • Sketched the interface and flow.
  • Started coding with few interactive options for the user to choose.

Current Progress

Made a lot of progress since the past update. As a continuation to my initial update of my final project I have imported libraries like pandas and matplotlib and started exploring them with various examples. To explore those functions it took me alot of time to understand initially and then after several trail and errors, I understand the functionality and started implementing them. I started with one data set and implemented the matplot function with a fixed column. I’m now tring to implement the functionality of matplot based on user selected columns only.

Here is the snapshot of the progress.
<iframe src="" width="100%" height="356" frameborder="0" marginwidth="0" marginheight="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

Next steps

  • Expand the matplot library to various datasets.
  • Implement pie charts and bar diagrams for the suitable datasets.
  • Make the program represent the data based on user selection of datasets and columns.
I'm a first year grad student at School of Information, UT Austin. I'm specializing in Health Informatics. Find Pranithavallabhaneni on Twitter, Github, and on the web.