Feng's first focused reflection

by simon871028

29 Sep 2022

** Reflection

I have been enjoying this course so far. Mr. Hauser has used a very interesting and interactive way to introduce us into the world of Python. Although I’ve already got some experience in Python, I still get to learn something new such as using Trinket. The Github tutorial and excercise is very helpful and useful as well. Looking foward to learning new things in the following classes with Mr. Hauser.

The following link is my original PR under a different file “fengihsieh”,which is my real name. Reposting here under “simon871028”, which is my github ID to allow my partner to clean up my PRs more easily. https://github.com/inf380p/inf380p.github.io/blob/main/_posts/fengihsieh/2022-09-22-first-post-fengihsieh.md

Here's a little about simon871028 Find simon871028 on Twitter, Github, and on the web.