Strings. Intro to Files

by Elliott Hauser

20 Oct 2022

  • Functions/refactor review


  • MEETUPS - Time to start looking for one.
  • Schedule overview: Code & notes next week, Post & reflection Nov 3.

Vocab and Q&A

  • What should I make sure to cover?

Python 3

We’ll be using Python 3 in Trinket for all text-based work. Remember your print() functions.

sep=" " lets you specify what the seperator between arguments is. It defaults to a space.

end='\n' lets you specify what to do at the end of the print functin. It defaults to a newline.

You can make anonymous Python 3 trinkets on Trinket for free. If you want the convenience of saving your Python 3 trinkets to your account, you should use code INF380P to get our premium plan for free for the semester.

Part I: Files & Lists Preview

There are a few core actions you should be able to perform on files:

  • Open them (Dr. Chuck)
  • Search/extract information from them (Dr. Chuck)
  • Build a data structure from them (not really Dr. Chuck)
  • Explore your data (not really Dr. Chuck)
  • Print a table from your data (not Dr. Chuck)

We’ll review all of these today, using a preview of your homework:

Part II: Strings Review

Specific questions from YOU

Part III: Make a Name For Yourself

Yes! Finally!

Elliott Hauser is an Assistant Professor at the UT Austin iSchool. He's hacking education as one of the cofounders of Find Elliott Hauser on Twitter, Github, and on the web.