Thanks for a great semester!
- Class modality changed to Remote today because of unavoidable conflicts
- Code talk requirement removed from final
- Course evaluations influence how I’ll evolve this course
- Logistics questions?
Github Cleanup Help
After getting into groups, I’ll stay in the main room to help with anything tricky.
Once you and your partner feel your github PRs etc are cleaned up, including PRs due today, move on to merging and discussing your final updates.
After that’s done, use the rest of class time to work on your final.
Final Project Groups
Data A
atUtexas is paired with manasvini2906
pranithavallabhaneni is paired with nathanstern93
Data B
hannahmoutran is paired with amptex101
scdai9 is paired with martsale
Data C
Rowan-Loft is paired with Prakash-sa
Two people who submitted the form late are paired here.
Turtle A
alm7468 is paired with EnglandHam
iLiekatz is paired with inf380pcoder
Turtle B
jpmartinezutexas is paired with rabouti
JULIIRA is paired with mchakerautexas
Turtle C
hyo9292 is paired with greencouchpotato
Eros11on is paired with JamesAthrun
RosalindBradshaw is paired with nemothefish260
Text Trio
haley-triem, Emmtm, and JohnCBMeyer are a trio
Keep coding!
A big list of links for the various paths you might want to take after the class is over.
Brain teaser-like exercises:
Online IDEs:
Python Notebooks:
Desktop IDEs:
- Visual Studio Code (which link up with Github Codespaces)
- Sublime Text
- Pycharm
Desktop Python:
Learning Resources:
- Automate the Boring Stuff - Use Python to do repetive tasks on your computer
- Beyond the Basic Stuff with Python - Go beyond the basics into professional tools and practices
- Invent with Python - Pygame games. Install locally or use the Pygame Trinket
- Software Carpentry (Including Data Carpentry and Library Carpentry)
Community Groups (some of which offer learning resources too!):
- Code For America Brigades
- Code4Lib
- Pyladies
- Black Girls Code
- GirlDevelopIt
- QueerTech
- Out In Tech
- The A11y Project - Accessability-focused group. An idiom in programming is to collapse long words with the number of missing letters between the first and last letters, hence a11y.