
by Elliott Hauser

06 Oct 2022


  • If your program “doesn’t work”, begin describing exactly how. As you write this down, you’ll get new ideas and you might solve the problem
  • If your program often “doesn’t work”, perhaps you need to Run your code more often.
  • If your posts aren’t showing, don’t worry. We’ll clean them up soon.

Vocab + Q&A

  • What should I make sure to cover?

Part I: Merge a partner’s Clicky turtlehack

You know the drill. Pair up, merge up, confirm the file is visible on the site. If not, work together to determine why. Take a break once all partners’ work is displaying on the site. Reconvene at the agreed-upon time.

If you have changes requested on your other pull requests, address them during a break

Clicky Turtle Discussion

First, let’s review the starter code.

Then, in new pairs, play with and discuss each other’s work!

If you have changes requested on your other pull requests, address them during a break

Part II: Peer Reviewing

Time to review a different partner’s program.

Here are the github names that

# Pairs
Stuks : [Absent]
Alm7468 : Mchakerautexas
Englandham : Atutexas
Manasvini2906 : Rabouti
Zengjilie : Hyo9292
Prakash-sa : Juliira
Emmtm : Inf380pcoder
Scdai9 : Nathanstern93
Eros11on : Simon871028
Rowan-loft : Jpmartinezutexas
Pranitha vallabhaneni : Haley-triem
Johncbmeyer : Shashwatj14
Rosalindbradshaw : Greencouchpotato
Iliekatz : Martsale
Hannahmoutran : Unixenthusiast
Jamesathrun => Amptex101
Amptex101 => nemothefish260
nemothefish260 => Jamesathrun

Part III: Group up & Make a Name For Yourself

(Moved to next class)

Looking Ahead

Optional Feedback Form

On the materials page or at this link, for things you want me to know.

Return of the Textbook

Textbook time! Chapter 6 is on Loops.

This is a definite loop:

for i in range(5):
    print("This will definitely print 5 times.")

This is an *indefinite loop:

import random
while True:
    if random.random() > 0.5:
        print("There's a 50% chance this will print each iteration of the loop ")
Elliott Hauser is an Assistant Professor at the UT Austin iSchool. He's hacking education as one of the cofounders of Find Elliott Hauser on Twitter, Github, and on the web.