Alexis's Final Project Proposal

by Alexis

10 Nov 2022

Final Project Proposal

For my final project, I want to create a data processing program focused on music. My stretch goal is to use my own data provided by Spotify, with creating an CSV as a back up. I’m not sure how quickly the data will get sent from Spotify, and I’m not sure what condition the data will be in.

Option 1: Spotify Data

If the data arrives in a form that’s fairly easy to use, I’ll create my on version of Spotify Wrapped, focusing on the data that’s interesting to me. The following are steps I want to take to slowly expand the scope:

  1. Choose what data is useful and do some cleaning if needed. I’m expecting to pull out data like my song list to use instead of everything Spotify will provide.
  2. Map out information architecture of the menu
  3. Create the code for the menu to repeatedly cycle through
  4. Allow the user to search through the music using a few parameters of their choice
  5. Allow the user to choose a few data points to visualize
  6. Allow the user to perform calculations, such as total minutes in a date range or something similar

Option 2: My Own CSV

If I end up using a custom CSV, I want to start with albums that I like and albums that my friends like. Some categories I would include in the data would be album title, artist name, year released, genre, who submitted the album, number of songs or minutes of the album, and if it’s owned in physical form such as a vinyl. I would have clearer data for option 2, allowing for more features while option 1 provides more “real-world” opportunity. Using these data points I listed above, I would try to follow this scope:

  1. Create the data in the CSV
  2. Design what the menu structure will look like
  3. Implement the menu code
  4. Allow the user to browse by the different categories
  5. Allow the user to select a random album, from the whole list or within a parameter
  6. Allow the user to visualize data such as albums by each artist, number of albums submitted by people, length of albums, etc
  7. Allow the user to calculate numbers similar to the visualizations
  8. Refine the search/filter process
Alexis is currently a masters student pursuing UX and Data studies. She's interested in learning how to make data more user friendly and accessible. Find Alexis on Twitter, Github, and on the web.