Initial Project Ideas & work plan

by jpmartinezutexas

10 Nov 2022

What will my project be using?

I decided that I will make my large project a turtle game, as I wanted to create a game from the start. Although I am still possibly considering a text adventure, I think I want to do a galaga-like game. I want it to be like Ikaruga as well. If you have not played Ikaruga the short and simple is that you have two modes, light and dark. While you are light, you cannot be damaged by anything light. While you are dark, you cannot be damaged by anything that’s dark. I plan to make a game with a few levels with a mechanic similar to this game. I think this game will be feasible to make, and fun at the same time. It will have a simple user interface showing score, health, level, and state (1 or 2, light or dark state)

What are the steps I need to take?

I have in my head, some of the steps that I would need to take to make a game such as this. Just for fun, I will put them in python, as it reminded me of the tasks we got on the CSV file.

# - Move the turtle player with WASD, up down left and right
# - When you press space, snoot a block that continuously moves up
# - If the square collides with an enemy, it will destroy it and give the player 20 points.
# - If enemy collides with player, both will be destroyed and the player loses 1 health.
# - Give player health, 3 may edit later.
# - Populate screen with enemies on a semi random basis
# - Make 3 levels. Easy, medium, boss (boss may be a stretch but we shall see)
# - Create Enemy health
# - Create Player Health
# - Create Enemy AI - they try and follow player
# - Create player states - blue and orange
# - While blue, cannot be damaged by orange
# - While orange, cannot be damaged by blue. 
# - Enemies shoot bullets of blue or orange depedning on if enemy is blue or orange, those when colliding will give player -1 health as well.
# - Create User Interface
# - Health
# - Score
# - State (blue or orange, replacing the light/dark of ikaruga)
# - Level
# - Create and import background image
# - Create and import player image
# - Create and import enemy image
# - Enemy Image 2 
# - Enemy Image 3
# - Boss Image
# - Blue Bullet Image
# - Orange Bullet Image
# - Make sure to follow the needed parts of final
# - At least 1 external data file
# - Dictionaries
# - Custom Modules
# - definite for loops
# - Custom Functions
# - Python 3 or pygame trinket
# - Readable code
# - well commented
# - well organized
# - idiomatic
# - error-free
# - largely bug free

I will continue to add to the list, and will replace the - with X as I finish them. This is all I have for now, but writing it all out makes me realize a lot of tasks go into a simple game like this one. Regardless, I am excited to get started and look forward to working on it more.

Hi, this is JP. I am interested in UX Design, UX Research, and Game/VR Development. Find jpmartinezutexas on Twitter, Github, and on the web.