Initial Project Idea and Work Plan

by hannahmoutran

10 Nov 2022

#Project Description My final project will be focused on a dataset I found through a Google Dataset Search. It is held by the online data repository Data World. It is a CSV file of New York Times bestsellers from 2011-2018. There are thousands of rows in the file, so I will cut it down to a few hundred, and then also cut out columns that I don’t find interesting. I will keep the author, title, weeks on the bestseller list, and publisher. I may add a column on my own, to designate whether a book is fiction or nonfiction. I will document how I clean up and add to the data.

For the program that I will create, I plan to create a menu and allow the user to choose what they want to display and how. For instance, allow them to decide what columns they want and perhaps if they want to see only fiction or nonfiction. I think it might also be useful for the user to be able to reorder the data, so that they can see the least and most bestselling books.

#Work Plan: Download and clean up csv file Create dictionary with keys Create Menu that asks for user input, allows for an exit function Add functionality to menu, making conditionals that will guide the output Make functions for the menu choices

Here's a little about hannahmoutran Find hannahmoutran on Twitter, Github, and on the web.