Project Update: Interface Draft

by Elliott Hauser

17 Nov 2022

This project update should include a draft or sketch of a basic user interface for your program. In other words your user should be able to click run and interact with your program via text input (data analysis projects) or clicking/keypresses (Turtle projects). Your program does not have to do anything useful in response to these inputs: rather, stub out some functionality. For instance, a data analysis program might present a list of data analysis options, and print text when the user inputs the option number, then return to the list of options.

If you made multiple drafts, or multiple versions of drafts, include them! Sketching things out is important, especially early on.

Submit a pull request with a short narrative update on your progress since last class, along with your modified list of milestones (checked/unchecked as appropriate), and a snapshot of your code in Trinket. Duplicate your project and embed the duplicate and then remember to stop working on the duplicate. If using github, like to an actual commit. Address how your actual work compared with your plan from the previous update.

Include both the old plan and your new modifications (if any)

Include a reflection, where you may want to consider:

  • Are there any roadblocks ahead? Is there anything your group can do to help out?
  • Are your milestones ambitious enough? Make sure to include some stretch goals.
  • Are your milestones too ambitious? Make sure to break down the unglamorous parts of coding into chunks that reflect the actual work to be done.
  • Are you able to keep to your plan? Looking back at what you’ve actually done, is the difference accountable to bad planning (i.e. not anticipating what needed to be done), bad execution (not doing it), or something else?

Explicitly state what you’re working on next and what you intend to accomplish before next class.


Final Project Groups

Data A
atUtexas is paired with manasvini2906
pranithavallabhaneni is paired with nathanstern93

Data B
hannahmoutran is paired with amptex101
scdai9 is paired with martsale

Data C
Rowan-Loft is paired with Prakash-sa
Two people who submitted the form late are paired here.

Turtle A
alm7468 is paired with EnglandHam
iLiekatz is paired with inf380pcoder

Turtle B
jpmartinezutexas is paired with rabouti
JULIIRA is paired with mchakerautexas

Turtle C
hyo9292 is paired with greencouchpotato
Eros11on is paired with JamesAthrun
RosalindBradshaw is paired with nemothefish260

Text Trio
haley-triem, Emmtm, and JohnCBMeyer are a trio
Elliott Hauser is an Assistant Professor at the UT Austin iSchool. He's hacking education as one of the cofounders of Find Elliott Hauser on Twitter, Github, and on the web.