(Optional) Revisited Reflections

by Elliott Hauser

01 Dec 2022

If you would like to revisit a reflection you completed early in the class, you can Revisit it.

To do this:

  • Find the post you’d like to revisit
  • Append (at the bottom, without removing the prior reflection) a Section with a # Reflection Revisited heading, and the date you’re revisiting.
  • In your revisited reflection, include a new perspective on the topic of the original assignment and a meta-reflection about how your process of reflecting has evolved.

I will assess your revisited content as part of your grade for the assignment, so in your revision include anything you wish you had the first time around. There’s nothing special to turn in, since the overall form on posts asks for any PRs modifying your posts. Just include revision PRs alongside any others; the live post on the webiste will contain your revisions once they’re all merged.

If you’re satisfied with your original effort, no need to do this! It’s a resource for those that have come to understand the level of effort I’m looking for in this class a little later on.

Elliott Hauser is an Assistant Professor at the UT Austin iSchool. He's hacking education as one of the cofounders of Trinket.io. Find Elliott Hauser on Twitter, Github, and on the web.