Feng's final project update and user interface draft

by simon871028

02 Nov 2022


  • Dealing with CSV files is one of the most crucial part for me as a student who is currently on Data Science track in this program. It’s very interesting and refreshing to get all these hands-on experience here.

  • Spent a lot of time trying to understand how interface.py works.

  • Learned how to use python library glob to get all the files within the same directory based on their extensions.

csvs_list = glob.glob(r"*.csv")
  • Learned the basic features of a dictionary. Understood that it’s a pair of key-value item and it’s similiar to map in C++.
# key = "number , value = 8
dic = { "number": 8 }


Intially, it’s hard for me to figure out where to put the while loop. After trying multiple times, I figured that I should put it outside the python choice_str = interface.get_menu_choice(menu_dict, prompt_str = ">>>") .

Here's a little about simon871028 Find simon871028 on Twitter, Github, and on the web.