Prakash-sa's CSV Files and Reflection

by Prakash-sa

02 Nov 2022


  • I learn to use the CSV files with the python code. I combined all the knowledge that I learned from the classes like dictionary, function, import code from different file to simplfy it, write neat and understandable code.

  • I utilized my understanding of writing code in different file and import it to make it more understandable and systamatic. I have coded the get_valid_col_int in the by understanding the function get_valid_row_int.
     def get_vaild_col_int(cols_list):
        Gets a valid index given a `col_list`.
        Note: return value will be a list index, so the first col is index 0.
        # Find highest col number
        maxcol_int = len(cols_list)
        while True:
          print(f"Enter a col number from 1 to {maxcol_int}")
            col_int = int(input("Col to view:    "))
            print("Please enter an integer")
            continue # User must start over
          if col_int < 1 or col_int > maxcol_int:
            print("Not a valid col number")
            continue # Prompt will repeat the requirments
          col_index = col_int - 1
          return col_index
  • I used the knowledge of reading the csv file from get_row_dicts_list() function to implement the Select columns to print menu. The base of the function is the same as get_row_dics_list, I have just modified the function whether we want to print it for random column or for selected columns.

      def get_row_dicts_list():
        with open(filename) as file:
          reader = csv.DictReader(file)
          row_dicts_list = list(reader)
        return row_dicts_list
  • I have encountered the problem of calling the variable before declaration during the assignment completion. I forgot to declare the columns list in the func_columns_to_print function and declared it elsewhere. After going through the code I realized that I have to declared it in the function as a local variable and return it.
      def func_columns_to_print():
        # Let user choose which columns to print, or print them all
        if interface.input_is_yes(f"File '{filename}' has {len(headers)} columns. Select which columns to print?\n", default = "y"):
          for header in headers:
            selected = interface.input_is_yes(f"Do you want {header} in simplified print view?", default = 'y')
            if selected:
          print("All columns will be printed")
          columns = headers
        return columns
  • ** I have learned a alot from this challenge, face many bugs and solved it. I got good hands on experience on the functions, dictionary and third party library like CSV, random.**

Final CSV Files

Before Class CSV Files

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