Allison's Clicky Turtlehack exercise!

by amptex101

06 Oct 2022

I am going to embed my code below. Hope it works!

As for my reflection, this exercise taught me a lot. I got more comfortable using turtle animations and understood helper functions a little bit better. While helper functions are still a little bit fuzzy, I understand how to use them in actual coding a little more. I was able to successfully use the turtle to draw a triangle. I am still confused about how to use the keypress functions in turtle – I tried and it didn’t quite work. I will show the code I used below using the backticks. I am still happy about the small successes though – turning the screen pink, and getting the turtle to exist and then draw a triangle, all by myself.

turn_amount = 7                                       
move_amount = 10                                      

# Define a functions that should happen when a key is pressed
def go_left():
def go_right():
def go_forward():
def go_backward():
# Tell the program which functions go with which keys
myscreen.onkey(go_left, 'left')
myscreen.onkey(go_right, 'right')
myscreen.onkey(go_forward, 'up')
myscreen.onkey(go_backward, 'down')

# Tell the screen to listen for key presses
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