Jilie's Clicky Turtlehack Reflection

by zengjilie

06 Oct 2022


I want to make an old-school board game. When the player touches a target, this target will disappear, and the player will get 1 point. In this program, I want to achieve the basic functionality of this game. When the player reaches the boundary of the board, it will turn to the opposite direction.



At first, I just used player.right(180) to turn around the player, but when the player goes out of bounds, it’s not going back inside the boundary, instead, it will keep rotating in that position. I tried another approach to rotate the player first, then set the x/y coordinate to 179 which is inside the boundary, and it workes.

#boundary checking
while True:
  if player.xcor() >= 180 or player.xcor() <= -180:
  if player.ycor() >= 180 or player.ycor() <= -180:
#boundary checking
while True:
  if player.xcor() >= 180 or player.xcor() <= -180:
    if player.xcor() >= 180:
      player.goto(179, player.ycor())
    if player.xcor() <= -180:
      player.goto(-179, player.ycor())
  if player.ycor() >= 180 or player.ycor() <= -180:
    if player.ycor() >= 180:
      player.goto(player.xcor(), 179)
    if player.ycor() <= -180:
      player.goto(player.xcor(), -179)

Another setback is when I want to achieve the a function which the player rotate to the pointed direction, instead goto that position. I tried player.towards(x,y), and it didn’t work. So I searched on google and found out I should use setheading instead.

#click function
def clicky(x, y):
#click function
def clicky(x, y):

What I learned from this assignment

It was a fun project. I learned using while loop to constantly check the position of the player and the right position to put that while loop, yes, I didn’t put it in the right place at first, and it prevents the code below it to execute. The process of debugging is painful but also fun.

Here's a little about zengjilie Find zengjilie on Twitter, Github, and on the web.