April’s Clicky Reflection

by April Martin

04 Oct 2022

I’m trying to do a simple I-Spy point-and-click game experience. I created the intro setup where 4 options are presented. The user is prompted to double click one option (double clicking is a way to incorporate the required trinket screen click + user selection click). The screen should clear, the puzzle image becomes the background, and the user is prompted to click on a particular item.

Main Obstacle:
(starting point) The screen is clearing but the next function is not operating properly. For now, I am just asking the screen to turn a color. Once it is operating properly I will continue to build the details. (progress? not really) I now know that screen.clear() is stopping anything from showing on the screen after that function executes. I figured this out by commenting out screen.clear() for the green door and watching what happened when I chose that door. The green_door() tester function executed finally. So now I think I need to clear tina, not the screen.
(that did not work.) (baby step one) My only advancement has been adding a tracer/update feature to my setup. (baby step two) Now I have inserted the I-Spy image as the background.

I think I want a line on the bottom of the screen to ask for each item, maybe I should include a time clock that counts down per turn to make the game more exciting.

Curious— How do you sort the layers (image, text, turtles) on the screen?

I have written a bunch of comments in my code with my intentions. Below are some current areas of concern.

  • clear setup once clicked by user, then start Puzzle output functions
  • make sure no history is present so that we don’t navigate to other puzzles when clicking the item asked for.
  • define item coordinates, create an if/else response.
    • if user clicks correct item, within time frame— success! then clear screen and identify new item coordinates, then refresh to a new item search prompt.
    • else “That’s not what we were looking for, try again!”
  • create count down clock that, when hits 0, communicates failure and loops to setup()
April Martin is a MSIS student focusing on physical and digital preservation in libraries, archives, and museums, at the UT Austin iSchool. Find April Martin on Twitter, Github, and on the web.