Nemo's Project Interface: Draft Update

by nemothefish260

17 Nov 2022

I have been able to create an interface that allows the user to click or use keypresses to move the bat character across the screen. I have also created a scorekeeper that increases the score by 10 point increments whenever the ‘bat’ (which looks like a turtle at this point since I have not added any images yet) collides with the ‘insects’ (which look like circle as of now). However, I have not been able to update the score in the game window which consistently remains zero.

This weekend I hope to get the score to update on the screen and also create a program that creates a new insect upon each time the bat collides with a previous one. I also hope to import images or draw the background to make the interface more visually appealing. In the next week, I hope to either add a text-based storyline/dialogue to entice the player and also see if I can move the screen to extend the level. In case, I am not able to move the screen in relation to the character, I will try and make the game more complex by adding more obstacles (such as a timer or predatory owls)and rewards(pollen from flowers).

The link to my program is mentioned below. It doesn’t look the most exciting as of now but I think I am on my way to completing the basic structure of the game.

Hi! I am an ex-iterature major who is transitioning user design and research! Find nemothefish260 on Twitter, Github, and on the web.