“Nemo’s Initial Idea & Work Plan!"

by nemothefish260

10 Nov 2022

For my final project, I want to create a turtle game with an interactive graphical user interface. I chose a GUI project because as a literature major I am artistically inclined. I hope to design an animal adventure game that would take the user through the life of either a turtle or a bat to help people empathize with the ecological destruction caused by human activities. I understand that this might be too ambitious, so at minimum, I want to create a game that at least lets the user earn points by eating smaller animals and also lose points if they run into predatory animals, plastic bags and so on.

In this regard, I need to figure out how I will move the screen in relation to my character. If not the former, then I would at least like to have a workable maze with various rewards and obstacles. I also want either the screen to clear when the game is leveled up or the difficulty level to increase as the game goes on. I will use a score counter and a timer to build interest. I also hope to import images in the end to make the game as visually appealing as I can. Moreover, I will use a conditional statement with a height limit to keep my character from going off-screen. Perhaps, I can use a random function to generate objects (rewards or obstacles) on screen. At the end of this week, I hope to at least create variables that create my main character and a few objects that my character can interact with to increase or decrease the score.

Hi! I am an ex-iterature major who is transitioning user design and research! Find nemothefish260 on Twitter, Github, and on the web.