CSV post week 1

by Stuks

04 Dec 2022

I was struggling so I asked a friend for assistant. One issue I apparently kept running into was I was basically over complicating things, for example making the While Loop to ensure the menu doesn’t end until the user adds an input. I was trying to basically reformat I think, adding a new input statement that would end the loop instead of just addinga new list to the dictonary that could be called to break the loop. I’m wondering if this is something else I’ve struggled with in the past, am I over complimcating things? Logic is difficult for me, it always has been, so I struggle to try and remember where everything links too and I might create more steps than nesscary.

I was able to finish the steps for 9, 10 and 13 I think, but I messed something up. Right now when I select to browse the rows, it gives me an endless loop of “Continue (Y/n). Putting in Y just promts ‘Continue’ without showing any colums being printed. Typing N either does nothing, doesn’t even seem to end the program. I’ve also gotten errors from it. Not sure what I did wrong.

import csv import random import interface

print(“Welcome to the CSV Explorer\n”)



- Feature: Put the interface in a while loop so that the user can do multiple things

- Feature: Create a new main menu option so that user can exit the program

- Refactor: Make selecting of columns_to_print a function, and call it

- Feature: Allow user to re-select which columns get printed

- Test: Ensure program uses new selected columns


- Refactor: Make creating the row_dicts_list into a function, and call it

- Feature: Use get_csv_filename to let the user select a new file

- Feature: Use the selected filename to create a new row_dicts_list

- Test: Ensure user is able to select ischools-messy.csv

(Note: program will not work in the same way; that’s fine)



- Feature: Adapt program to work as well as possible with ischools-messy.csv


Set variables we’ll need later

filename = “ischools-clean.csv”

List of choices to present in main menu

menu_dict = { “1” : “Browse rows of data”, “2” : “Print specific row”, “3” : “Select columns to print”, “4” : “Change data file”, “5” : “Exit CSV Explorer” }

Get a list of dictionaries from CSV file

with open(filename) as file: reader = csv.DictReader(file) row_dicts_list = list(reader)

Headers of the CSV are the keys of any row dictionary

Get the keys from the first row

headers = row_dicts_list[0].keys() def print_columns (filename, headers):

Let user choose which columns to print, or print them all

columns_to_print = [] if interface.input_is_yes(f”File ‘{filename}’ has {len(headers)} columns. Select which columns to print?\n”, default = “y”): for header in headers: return columns_to_print selected = interface.input_is_yes(f”Do you want {header} in simplified print view?”, default = ‘y’) if selected: columns_to_print.append(header) else: print(“All columns will be printed”) columns_to_print = headers

columns_to_print = print_columns (filename, headers)

while True: choice_str = interface.get_menu_choice(menu_dict)

# Tell user what choice they made print(f”You chose {choice_str}:”) print(menu_dict[choice_str])

# Do what they asked. # Note: we have to manually keep track of what choice should do what, # which we do by ensuring the strings we compate choice_str with # match up to the keys in menu_dict. if choice_str == “1”: # Browse rows # User can start from one or pick their own starting row if interface.input_is_yes(“Start from row one?”, default = ‘y’): # First row in the list is at index 0 first_row_int = 0 else: first_row_int = interface.get_valid_row_int(row_dicts_list)

# Loop through the list of row dictionaries, starting at the selected first row.
for row in row_dicts_list[first_row_int:]:
  for key in columns_to_print:
  if interface.input_is_yes("Contine?", default = 'y'):
    break   elif choice_str == "2":
# Print specific rows
if interface.input_is_yes("Print random row?", default = 'y'):
  row = random.choice(row_dicts_list)
  for key in columns_to_print:
  row_int = interface.get_valid_row_int(row_dicts_list)
  row = row_dicts_list[row_int]
  for key in columns_to_print:

elif choice_str == “3”: columns_to_print = print_columns (filename, headers)

elif choice_str == “4”: print(“”” Our flow of control and program architecture won’t let us change CSV files right now.

To support changing data files we’d need a way to overwrite row_dicts_list and then run the program again.

In the meantime, we open a specific file at the beginning. Users who can code can change filename to change what CSV we use. “””)

elif choice_str == “5”: break


Here's a little about Stuks Find Stuks on Twitter, Github, and on the web.